For sale by owner- How to Sell my property privately without an agent--everything you must know

Can I sell my property privately?

This will be the first question that many landlords/owners will ask. Yes, absolutely it is 100% legal to sell your property privately in all states and territories: Many people had done this before. Thanks to the modern technology, many people are selling their property online privately at the moment than ever before, 95% of buyers are looking their properties online especially on etc; we will help you to advertise your property for sale on etc for a just flat fee without paying an agent commission. You can be your own agent to simply open the door, talk to the buyers and sign the contract; because you are most familiar with your own property than anyone else in the world!

How can I sell my property privately without an agent?

1. Get ready for your home for sell

clean my property=How to sell my property privately

Like selling anything else, e.g your car, your boat you need to make sure they are in great condition This involves a good clean of your property, repairing the broken things and possible some decoration of your property. Just thinking from a buyer’s perspective, how they feel when they first walk into your property? Is it clean and presentable or messy not ready to show.

2. Take some nice pictures

Take some nice photos- How to sell my property privately

Presentation is the key; first impression matters, people are attracted by nice pictures so take some time to make your pictures look great as this will help to generate more views of your listing online. Just remember a photo is worth of a thousand words; Some tips below: Choose a time which enhances the best light during the day to best present your property; Tidy and prepare your rooms before taking any photos; try with the best angle to have a wide angle shot; Photo editing on your phone or computer to make picture looks more appealing For the best results, we suggest to contact your local real estate photographers to do the photos for you as it is a one off investment but definitely worth the value; some of the professional photographers also provide service such as virtual furniture to you instead of spending lots of money for real furniture staging, virtual furniture is a cost effective tool to make your online pictures more appealing. You can still hire professional property staging/styling company for your property to make people to feel like home.

3. Set up a price

You are competing with other properties on the market so it is really important to consider the factors below: Similar properties on sale now or sold in the past Location, convenience, amenities and internal design You can have a look at the recent sold/current sale property on or to get an idea what your property will be worth.

4. Write a nice catchy description

Write a description- How to sell my property privately

Headline is important! Nice description to highlight your property features You are most familiar with your property than anyone else in the world so highlight your property features so let prospective buyers know the amazing features about your property! The good news is that you can write your own description in your own account dashboard when you create your listing with us, you can save and resume back to make any changes to your listing descriptions etc. anytime 24/7

5. Find a Solicitor/conveyancer to prepare a contract and do the settlement/Conveyancing for you

find a solicitor- How to  Sell my property privately

Some states (NSW, ACT) require a contract of sale before listing your property online; A Solicitor/conveyancer will help you to prepare a legal contract of sale; They will help you to include all the relevant information in the sales contract e.g. methods of sale, cooling periods rights etc. Conveyancing is the transfer of legal title of a property from one person to another; A Solicitor/conveyancer will help you for your sale contract and settlement process. We strongly suggest to hire a professional solicitor/conveyancer (conveyancer also refer as settlement agent in WA) to complete this whole process for you as this is the most important part of legal process to sell your property

6. List your property with us (Advertise privately on etc.)

In some states like NSW, ACT you must have a sale contract ready before listing your property You can create your own account for free here and creat your own listing in your own dashboard with us and your listings will be advertised on etc shortly We only charge a flat fee to advertise your property for sale on plus a few other portals. More information here

7. Set up your own inspection time

You can do Sat open house or by private appointment as you can take control about this. If you live or close to your property this will be so easy as you can show buyers anytime you want rather than an agent who is doing a job from 9am-5.00pm and also you are just selling one property at a time and the agent is selling many properties at the same time. So you can use take this advantage to present a personal service.Lots of buyers are loving the fact to have a direct communication with the owner Just remember to make the prospective buyers to feel at home as that is what they are buying for (a place called home)

8. Negotiate and Make a decision about the received offers

negotiate- How to Sell my property privaqtely

This will happen when you receive offers from the prospective buyers, it can be a back and forth process but the final results are definitely worth it! Please remember you have developed the negotiating skills from your everyday life such as negotiating a pay rise etc. You know your property better than anyone else in the world so be confident about your ability here.

‘Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate”– John F. Kennedy

9. Exchange the contract and Settlement

You will enter and exchange the sale contract with a buyer, ask them to pay a small deposit upon signning the contract Your solicitor/conveyance will deal with the rest until the end

we can help you to sell your house privately starting at the price of $399 from our package with the following features, please visit pricing package for full detailed features

Listing on

Listing on other websites

24/7 online listing management

7 Days a week local customer support

24/7 call answering solution system

Automated enquiries forwarding

2nd Email to receive property enquires

Auto Email responder set up

Printable marketing brochures

Ad check up

OR Code for inspection check in

QR code for online offer

QR code for your listing details

Record inspection check in

24/7 live Vendor report to monitor performance of your listing

Ready to sell your property privately?

Click here to register an account for free to create your listing (You only need to make a payment, once you want your listing to go live on the major portals)

You can also view our state by State guideline per links below:

Sell my house privately in NSW

Sell my house privately in QLD

Sell my house privately in VIC

Sell my house privately in WA

Sell my house privately in TAS

Sell my house privately in SA

Sell my house privately in ACT

Sell my house privately in NT